A Village Walk


Life in the local village awakes just before dawn.
In these early hours, loudspeakers mounted at central places in the village emit some gentle music. Then, the communities eldest representative announces important information for agricultural businesses and the latest village news.

It is worth while getting up with the locals. This way, you may watch Buddhist monks on their matutinal procession through the village, collecting food offered from the locals. You can see women preparing food for their families, and men loading their buffalo-trailers with farming equipment and tools.
Mönche geben ihren Segen
The villagers are generally very friendly and sometimes also a little shy. Some are curious and will try to talk to you, others may even invite you to share their breakfast.
In daytime you will see men standing hip-deep in the local lake, catching fish with special nets. You may try your luck – even if you don't catch anything it is going to be a lot of fun for everyone.


mit dem Kubota Buffalo auf dem Weg zu Farm
Taste the Isaan Kaviar.
The eggs of the big red ants are a deli food for Isaan people.

Dig for eggs of the black ants that are deli food for our fish.

Join locals catching frogs also a deli food for many people.